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More Details
Price: CALL €
Code: 002.010.0004
Symmetron Stylitis-10 is a stand-alone, battery-operated datalogger suitable for a wide variety of measurements.
- High reliability.
- 7 voltage /current /temperature / digital inputs.
- 1 or 2 counting inputs.
- Precision outputs: 2.5 V and 0.5 mA
- All inputs operate as outputs.
- Outputs change as a function of inputs.
- Sampling once per second.
- Average, Min, Max from 1 second to 1 hour.
- Recording in internal 4MB Flash memory.
- 2 serial ports.
- SMS alarm and data messages.
- Built-in Wireless Ethernet (WiFi) port .
- Ch1 can be selected as analog input , in addition to counter
- Bus sensors sampling is allowed from intervals as low as 1 second
- Peripheral port: both RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces with auto detection are standard
- Auto-detection of External PC connections to both ports
- Ethernet version works as MODBUS TCP slave for SCADA integration
- Ethernet version accepts Server IP numbers and names (i.e. 1.diameson.net)
- Lower power consumption (average):
- 0.5 mA (LCD off, modem off)
- 5 mA (LCD off, modem ON, @12VDC)
- Warm-up output option (powers up sensor a programmable interval before measurement)
Click here for instructions on how to set the WiFi module in order for it to match with the access point to which you will connect it .
- Standard version
- GSM/GPRS modem version
- Ethernet version
For Documentation see: Stylitis-10.
Stylitis-Power : Energy auditing and advanced monitoring data logger
Stylitis-10 : Solar, wind, hydro, energy data logger and controller
Stylitis-20 : Waterproof water measurements datalogger and controller
Stylitis-41 : Wind Measurements data logger
Stylitis-101 : Solar and wind data logger, suitable for W/T power curve analysis