A free service to present real-time and historical data of
Symmetron data loggers on the World Wide Web, with plots and statistics for each measuring station.
For more information about Captum service, click here.
For a free demonstration, click the Enter button below and login as a visitor, with user name Symmetron. View the site named Office Temperature
Symmetron Apeicon is an external web server for Stylitis dataloggers.
It allows easy creation of custom web pages, complete with customer photos, logos and data from one or more dataloggers.
Designed for limited physical space, it is compact, lightweight with very low power consumption.
It gets real-time data from one or more Stylitis dataloggers and updates one or more custom-built web pages.
The built-in web server presents the web pages to any standard browser.
Users may configure Apeicon for local IP address and measurement channels using the included software.
Custom web pages may be created and edited by anyone knowing basic HTML. Alternatively Symmetron can create web pages to customer specifications.
Web pages are available to the local network or via internet to any part of the world.
You can also connect a computer monitor or TV screen directly to Apeicon¢s VGA port.