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Symmetron data loggers on the World Wide Web, with plots and statistics for each measuring station.
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Symmetron Stylitis-12 is a stand-alone datalogger, suitable for permanent installation in an electric panel's DIN rail, for conducting energy measurements.
- Simultaneous recording in internal 4MB Flash memory and in removable MicroSD flash card.
- High reliability.
- 5 counting inputs, suitable for pulsed energy meters.
- 1 analog voltage /current /temperature / digital input.
- Remote connection via optional GPRS modem or Ethernet adapter.
- Measurement results on the cloud (Captum service)
- All inputs operate as outputs.
- Outputs change as a function of inputs.
- An output can drive a small relay. For more information about this feature, click here
- Sampling once per second.
- Average, Min, Max from 1 second to 1 hour.
- 1 serial port RS-232 (DTE)
- Capability to connect digital bus sensors: MODBUS RTU and SDI-12. This feature allows you to connect MODBUS RTU electrical multi-sensors, which >measure active/ reactive/ apparent energy and power, power factor, frequency and AC voltage and current Stylitis-12 may conduct up to 22 measurements, eg 22 active energies (via 22 multisensors), or 11 active energies and 11 active powers (via 11 multisensors), etc